Embrace Change
That’s Not Necessary has moved. Now Tellamatic
So I have been busy redesigning my site, helping my kid with virtual school, taking online classes, doing everything a mom does daily, and all of this takes up the majority of my day. With that said, blogging has taken a back seat.
If you followed my blog, That’s Not Necessary (Now Tellamatic.com/blog); you will find I have had fewer blog posts this year. Like everyone, life this year has changed for everyone in some way.
So one thing that I decided to eliminate was some of the noise from my life that keeps creeping into my mind: social media, social issues, politics, the virus, and virtual school. What a great time to embrace change and bring my blog and love of design together to one platform. Some of the content may be more design and art focused, but I hope to sprinkle some of the things I’m doing in my daily life as well.
For today’s post, I will share some photos from the last month.
Find time to disconnect from the phone and draw, doodle, bake, or just rest
I always make time to find a quiet place to sketch just for fun. I also found time to bake my first cake ever, a pound cake loaf—it was so yummy!
One of my favorite things to do is slow stitching, and I still have a lot to learn. It is so much fun to learn a new stitch. This kit is perfect for learning.
Looking for something to slow the entire family down before bed? Try making golden milk. Warm milk on the stove-top, and then add Turmeric and Honey. It’s a family favorite here before bed.
Carved my first Pumpkin in years, and I was determined to make sure not to waste any. We roasted the seeds, made pumpkin bread and pumpkin pancakes. Even though those things turned out great, I can say that in general, I’m not too fond of pumpkin.
Taking time to dust and clean the apartment, I made time to share with my little one the Sculpey art my creative friends made many years ago at my wedding after-party. It is always lovely to look back and reflect. Seeing and touching them for the first time, he inspected each and every one, and cleaned them with care.
Also to break up this strange year with fun activities, we got messy, exploring drip painting pumpkins. They came out beautiful, and it was the perfect way to embrace fall.
I hope you find ways to eliminate some of the noise in your life, and this blog will continue to inspire you to create or embrace the little things that matter.