Bug Out Bag
(Family Emergency Checklist)
Bug Out (or Bug-in Bag) Family Emergency Checklist
With all the earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, weather-related power outages, and now we have experienced a pandemic, this is the perfect time to revisit our emergency Bug Out Bag. Help does not come immediately, so everyone needs to do their part and be prepared.
We once lived in an area, where we had to be out a moments notice due to the area being prone to flooding. That really had my anxiety out the roof, so I started thinking: how can I help my family in an emergency situation?
We made an emergency plan, collected easy to access supplies and packed a small bag with clothing items for each family member. We found this is an excellent plan whether we have to stay put or get going. I am not an expert prepper, but here are a few things that I like to have on hand in case of an emergency. As an apartment dweller we lack room for storing large amounts of items. So I keep the list short and simple and is a good start for anyone just starting a family emergency plan.
This blog post was originally posted on my old blog (That’s Not Necessary) in 2019, but after experiencing what it feels like to bug in , I decided to repost this blog here with updates on things we needed while at home and new printable checklist.
Useful Survival Supplies
- ID Documents
- Cash
- Hand Crank Radio (list of your area radio stations written down)
- Power Source (source to charge phone, radio or electronics etc.)
- Walkie Talkies
- Flashlight
- Batteries
- Matches or Fire starter alternative
- Candles (or a kid-safe option battery operated candles)
- Duct Tape
- Trash Bags
- Manual can opener
- Camper stove (+pots)
- First Aid Kit
- Toliet Paper (portable bidet)
- Paper Plates and Utensils (save water for drinking)
- Baby Wipes
- Small toys or activities for kids (legos, boardgames, books)
- 1 Backpack for each family member (clothes, tolietries etc.)
- 1 Gallon Bottle for each family member (water)
First Aid Supplies
First Aid Kit
- Liquid Bandaid or Bandages
- Tea Tree Oil
- Thermometer
- Bug Repellent
- Neosporin
- Chapstick
- Alcohol
- Tweezer
- Ibuprofen
- Hand Sanitizer
- Medicine
- Knife, Scissors, Multi-tool
Emergency Eats (FOOD) 2 weeks - 1 month of food supplies, marked with expiration dates and rotate throughout the year. Food (2,000 calories per day)
- Diced Tomatoes
- Tomato sauce
- Corn Kernels
- Pasta
- Quinoa
- Rice
- Nut Butter
- Dried Fruit or Canned Fruit
- Applesauce
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Tuna
- Protein Bars
- Rolled Oats
- Grits
- Dehydrated Potatoes
- Canned Soups
- Crackers
- Granola or Oatmeal
- Cereal
- Salt & Pepper
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Dehydrated Milk
- Dried Bone Broth or Bouillons
- Beans canned or dried (black beans, pintos or lentils are great!)
- Herbal Tea (ginger, green tea)
- Pickles and Olives
- Honey
- Coconut Oil
- Herb (garlic, salt, pepper)
- Olive Oil
- Chips, Cookies, Snacks (must have if you have kids)
One final thing to have is a printed copy of emergency numbers, and contacts as the internet could be down, or unavailable. Have emergency plans and evacuation meeting places in case you are separated. If you live in an urban area or apartment, store your Useful Survival Supplies in a Rubbermaid, Water in plastic gallon bottles (glass is heavier and can break). Keep the Food in the pantry for ease of rotation.
I know this is a scary subject, but not as frightening when you have your #$% together. Remember, help does not come immediately, and with your family taking care of, you may be able to help others during an emergency.
Download checklist to get started today. Keep it simple, don't go crazy buying things. Remember, there is no way you can be prepared for everything, and you can only carry so much if you are forced to leave your home. Do your best for you and your family.