Words are Magic
Well 2020 seems to be filled with ... well the only way to describe it is through words. As a Graphic Designer I love using design, typography and color to convey a message. So today I’m sharing some of the thoughts that have been circling in my head. I hope some of these words may help you get through today or the days ahead.
Wash your hands (please)
As a mom I say this so many time throughout the day, but with all that is going on everyone needs a reminder to wash their hand. At least 20 seconds with soap.
Live in the slow lane
I recenltly lost a grandfather that lived a long life, and people always asked him what his secret was. One secret he passed on was a life decision to live in the slow lane, instead of the fast lane. I love that! For me that means have patience, be more thoughtful, listen to others, and keeping up with the Joneses is a no no.
Don’t give up
I'm currently working on improving my sewing skills among other things, and I remind myself when I get frustrated, it’s "Don't Give Up".
This year you might be going through changes in life or learning something new. Don't give up, for you will be able to look back and say I DID IT!
Take time to breathe
This is a great reminder to disconnect from the computer or your phone. Grab a cup of tea and sit on the balcony or take a walk in nature. Most of the time when I am on the computer the time goes by so fast, I have forgotten to even stand. I have started to set a timer to stop what I am doing, and take time to breathe (even if it is only 15 minutes). Great for the mind and the body.
"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." Dolly Parton
What a great way to end this post...with a smile.